Marina CEYSSAC has been appointed by HSH Prince Albert II as High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation for a four-year term.
A swearing-in ceremony before HSH Prince Albert II took place in the Hall of Mirrors at the Prince’s Palace, in the presence of representatives of the Principality’s various authorities.
- S.E. M. Pierre DARTOUT, Ministre d’Etat,
- Me Michel BOERI, Président du Conseil de la Couronne,
- Mme Yvette LAMBIN-BERTI, Secrétaire d’Etat,
- M. Laurent ANSELMI, Chef de Cabinet de S.A.S. le Prince,
- M. Emmanuel FALCO, Premier Conseiller privé auprès de S.A.S. le Prince,
- Lcl Jean-Luc CARCENAC, Chambellan de S.A.S. le Prince,
- Lcl Philippe REBAUDENGO, Aide de Camp de S.A.S. le Prince.