Marina CEYSSAC becomes High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights

Marina CEYSSAC becomes High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights

03 May 2022

Marina CEYSSAC has been appointed by HSH Prince Albert II as High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation for a four-year term.

A swearing-in ceremony before HSH Prince Albert II took place in the Hall of Mirrors at the Prince’s Palace, in the presence of representatives of the Principality’s various authorities.

- S.E. M. Pierre DARTOUT, Ministre d’Etat,
- Me Michel BOERI, Président du Conseil de la Couronne,
- Mme Yvette LAMBIN-BERTI, Secrétaire d’Etat,
- M. Laurent ANSELMI, Chef de Cabinet de S.A.S. le Prince,
- M. Emmanuel FALCO, Premier Conseiller privé auprès de S.A.S. le Prince,
- Lcl Jean-Luc CARCENAC, Chambellan de S.A.S. le Prince,
- Lcl Philippe REBAUDENGO, Aide de Camp de S.A.S. le Prince. 

Marina CEYSSAC becomes High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights

Hall of Mirrors at the Prince’s Palace, swearing-in ceremony before HSH Prince Albert II